Customer-Centered Self-Assessment (C3IQ)
Take five minutes to see how customer-centered your organization is on the topics of strategic direction, satisfaction and measures of success. Unlike an average IQ test that seeks to evaluate our personal cognitive ability, the C3IQ is intended as an assessment of an organization’s behaviors as a customer-centered culture. We start by taking the assessment personally and then compare results as a group. This helps us identify what to strengthen first.
The total possible score is 125. If you get better than 100, the customer-centeredness of your organization may not require much change. Just to be sure your view of things is the same as what others think, it would be wise to ask at least ten of your colleagues and/or those who report to you to also take the assessment. The larger the number and the more diverse the group taking the assessment, the more likely you are to arrive at the truth about the organization’s C3IQ. Uncovering that shared truth is the goal. If everyone gets a 100-plus score, you can confidently conclude there is nothing more to read here. Congratulations! You are already close to the walking-on-water stage of excellence.
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