Customer-Centered Strategic Plan Excerpt – Director’s Message
Thank you for making Pinellas County Utilities (PCU) an organization to be proud of. But you know the saying: of those who excel, more is expected. Our customers expect more of us today than they did when I first joined the team. We have to think ever more creatively about how to best meet those expectations. My highest priority is to create an environment that makes it easier for you to do that and feel successful. This is my personal mission.
This Strategic Plan provides a structured way to satisfy the needs of both our customers and ourselves. It is intended to be as relevant for you as it is for me. Even though we have used many tools and approaches to improvement in the past, they were usually applied in a piecemeal way. We did not have a single management tool to integrate those efforts. This plan now gives us that ability. We can now see our most important goals in one place. They will focus our energy, budget and resources. Our successes will be measured and obvious.
Implementing this plan involves everyone. It represents the way we will do business. The customer-centered principles we used to create it will direct our learning, collaboration and the development of our unique culture. Expect it to change with us.
I challenge you to understand how this plan applies to your daily work. I ask you to tell your management or tell me if we appear to deviate from the path of making our Pinellas County Utilities what it could be. There is no limit.
Pick Talley
Director of Utilities
Pinellas County, Florida
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