The Process Excellence (PEX) Tools Suite 7: Creating a lean process involves reducing unnecessary work, time, complexity, rework and cost for both the producer of products and the end users. This exciting and powerful Lean Process suite does all that. It is not for the faint of heart but it will give you the deepest understanding of your process and the clearest picture of what needs to be improved.
The Process Excellence Tools Suite 7 contains 2 powerful Excel-based workbooks. Each workbook contains a variety of tools. These Lean Process Tool workbooks are designed for a person with basic Excel knowledge. If you are an expert at Excel, you will be able to add linking and other options to customize your spreadsheets. The Instruction page can not be altered.
By using the Process Excellence Tools suite, you will determine:
- Which specific product(s) within the process should you focus improvement on (saving you 90% of your analysis and improvement effort)?
- Which function spends the most work time? Rank in descending order in a chart.
- Which function consumes the most cycle time? Rank in descending order in a chart.
- Which function consumes the most cost? Rank in descending order in a chart.
- Which product consumes the most work time? Rank in descending order in a chart.
- Which product consumes the most cycle time? Rank in descending order in a chart.
- Which product incurs the most cost? Rank in descending order in a chart.
- Which product(s) has the worst/best yield?
- How many steps are there in the process?
- How many products are there in the process?
Process Excellence Tools included in this Suite shown below:
Product Flow-FACT Sheet
- Describe the current or “as is” process in terms of (1) the flow and dependencies of products produced during the process, (2) the constraints on current process performance and (3) how long work takes.
- Rank the critical few areas which, if changed, can yield the biggest sustainable improvement to the process in the shortest time.
- Identify ways to significantly reduce customer-experienced cycle time (duration).
- Increase customer satisfaction, process capacity and enterprise competitive position.
- Reduce production costs, rework and complexity.
- Measure and increase work time as a percent of cycle time.
- Develop innovative process alternatives.
- Describe the “could be” process and test its performance.
Product flow guides the scope of creating the FACT sheet. The Product Flow/FACT Sheet is intended to address all the activity in sections 4 & 8 of the 8 Dimensions of Excellence chart.
The FACT Sheet describes the work involved in acquiring and producing the target product. This means for the customer, the start time might be different than for the producer.
The Product Flow/FACT Sheet will be customized differently for each team depending on your needs. This template is to be used as a guideline. One of the decisions you need to make is “from who’s point of view are you describing the product flow”. You may create it from the end-user’s point of view, the producer’s point of view or combine the end-user and the producer.
The person using this tool must have a moderate level of Excel and analysis experience. The more experience, the better.
Product Roles Matrix
- Identify and describe the “as is” products and their flow in the process.
- Identify the producers and the end-users of each product
- Identify and satisfy the needs of internal customers
- Prioritize opportunities to:
- – Reduce time, complexity and cost
- – Eliminate or consolidate products
- – Enhance seamless flow
- – Clarify process and product purpose and ownership
- Identify and satisfy the needs of internal customers
- Recommend action.
Source Product Matrix
Source products include strategies, plans and policies. They are produced by management. Source products are the directing influence on major corporate processes. They define the purpose or intent of the process. Most source products are created exclusively for internal use.
To successfully produce and deliver a product, we must understand why a product is being created, what it is intended to achieve. We must be given workable plans for sales, production and delivery. We must have policies to govern guarantees, warranties and other aspects of operations. We must understand management’s thinking and priorities in order to make decisions. Only then can the organization act consistently to best satisfy customer needs.
a. Identify a clear direction for performing work
b. Create well-defined criteria and priorities for decision-making regarding product and process issues.
The price of each suite includes 3 hours of FREE phone consultation at user’s initiation within 60 days of purchase.
THIS IS A MULTI-USER LICENSE PRICE PER SUITE OF TOOLS – UP TO 10 USERS. Please call 941-704-9888 for department, division or entire organization discounts.
C3 Tools will be emailed to you within 48 hours of your order.
User agrees by purchasing a C3 tool not to transfer, distribute to non-authorized users, resell or create derivative works without the express written permission of C3 Excellence, Inc. (C3E) Copyright (c) 2016 by C3 Excellence, Inc. All rights reserved.
However, we encourage you to apply C3 Methodology and the contents herein as broadly as possible. Simply request permission to use and commit to providing full attribution to Robin L. Lawton by using the Contact Us on this website. In the absence of your request and commitment, copyright law applies.