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Suite 5 – Voice of the Customer Tools


You know what your product is and who your customers for that product are. The next step is to find out what they want.

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The Voice of the Customer Tools Suite contains 3 Excel-based workbooks.  Each workbook contains a variety of tools.  These workbooks are designed for a person with basic Excel knowledge.  If you are an expert at Excel, you will be able to add linking and other options to customize your spreadsheets.  The Instruction page can not be altered.

  1. Voice of the Customer Focus Group
  2. Expectations and Satisfaction Survey
  3. Creating Measures – Opportunities to Satisfy Customers

Voice of the Customer Tools: Focus Group

  • Uncover what end-users want regarding the outcomes, functionality and features of a specific product. The product can be a service, information or manufactured product.
  • Discover which customer priorities the product is designed to satisfy
  • Identify which priorities are currently measured
  • Determine which end-user priorities concern performance or perception (objective or subjective criteria, respectively)
  • Replicate tool use to uncover broker and fixer expectations

A C3 Focus Group uses a very structured approach to uncovering what customers want. One advantage of this structure is that anyone can learn it. A second benefit is that the method prevents the focus group from becoming a complaint session. Focus group participants will always be asked several carefully worded questions to uncover their priorities regarding a specific product (as opposed to a process, problem or theme). This process greatly simplifies the identification of who should be invited to attend, reduces ambiguity in understanding the priorities different kinds of customers want met and simplifies improvement, innovation and measures of success.

There are 11 tabs in this Excel based tool, including the steps to select and invite participants, organize session logistics and room, assignment of roles to carry out every part of a VOC session, how to record, debrief and analyze findings for improvement or product development.

If you do not already have the following tools (see C3 Tools), you will find them very helpful:

  • Product Definition: For those of us engaged in largely intangible knowledge or service work where we don’t make widgets (manufactured devices), this tool is indispensable. It enables you to define work as tangible products that are countable deliverables given to specific customers.
  • Customer Roles & Power: Getting agreement on who “the customer” is can be a challenge. There are three distinct customer roles a person can play with a specific product. This tool shows you who has what roles and how they currently rank in power to change the design of the product. You may discover that the interests of the most important customers are least well known. If so, you will surely want to include them in your C3 Focus Group.
  • Product-Roles Matrix: Products often occur in related groups, families or chains. This can create confusion about who “the customer” really is. The users of an order are not necessarily the users of the thing ordered. The order (a document) is separate, but related to, the thing ordered. The Product-Roles Matrix sorts all these relationships out. It simplifies picking the right product to work on (among related products) and identifies who the various customers are so the correct ones can be invited to your focus group. The last thing you need is the get the wrong customer’s voice about the wrong product.

Voice of the Customer Tools: VOC Measures and Surveys

Focus Groups are the very best way to find out what customers want.  However, there can be a place for surveys, if they are done properly.

  • Expectations and Satisfaction Survey:  Enable customers of an organization to select the two most important products the organization produces.  Capture performance, perception and outcome expectations for each of the products selected by customers.  Determine the level of satisfaction for each expectation identified.
  • Creating Measures:  Create measures for the seemingly immeasurable customer expectations.  Translate subjective perceptions into objective measures.  Establish numerical improvement goals for customer priorities.
  • Opportunities to Satisfy Customers:  Organize and prioritize customer requests for help and to improve the quality of your answers.  Identify ways to eliminate customers’ questions.  Eliminate “opinions/guesses” and work with actual data.  Identify patterns, trends and opportunities to create a win-win outcome with our customers.
    Establish a baseline for deficiencies in the current (or test pilot) product. Any question someone has about the current product represents a deficiency. (For example, in the case of a “cost estimate”, any question someone has about it is a deficiency.)

The price of each suite includes 3 hours of FREE phone consultation at user’s initiation within 60 days of purchase.

THIS IS A MULTI-USER LICENSE PRICE PER SUITE OF TOOLS – UP TO 10 USERS.  Please call 941-704-9888 for department, division or entire organization discounts.

C3 Tools will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your order. 


User agrees by purchasing a C3 tool not to transfer, distribute to non-authorized users, resell or create derivative works without the express written permission of C3 Excellence, Inc. (C3E) Copyright (c) 2016 by C3 Excellence, Inc. All rights reserved.

However, we encourage you to apply C3 Methodology and the contents herein as broadly as possible. Simply request permission to use and commit to providing full attribution to Robin L. Lawton by using the Contact Us on this website.  In the absence of your request and commitment, copyright law applies.